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एनएचएस ऐप
जीपी अभ्यास
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ग्रीनर रशक्लिफ
रोगी भागीदारी समूह
संपर्क करें
Contact your surgery online
Click here to link with your GP practice
What is a PCN?
Learn what a Primary Care Network is and how it works.
Additional Roles
Learn about the new healthcare roles in Rushcliffe.
Health Directories
Rushcliffe specific directories for health and well-being conditions.
Self Help Calendar
Find self help resources in our calendar.
Friendship Calendars
Find local events to try new things and make new friends.
The Big Green Book
A directory of nature-based activities in Rushcliffe.
Health Screening
Find out about what health screening services are available.
Online Access
Find out how you can contact your surgery online.
NHS Number
Find out your NHS number with your name, DOB and postcode.
Wellbeing Challenge
Take part in the Rushcliffe Autumn Wellbeing Challenge.
Learn about the NHS App, and how to use and download it.