October Population Health Management Newsletter
We create a newsletter for each month putting all of the resources onto one page. You can download this, use it or share it to whoever you feel could benefit from it!

Stoptober begins on 1st October, so why not get involved in the 28-day stop smoking challenge.
Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your own health - and the health of people around you. You'll start seeing the benefits immediately, not just for your health but also your finances.
For more information click here.

Quit Smoking App
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health.
When you stop, you give your lungs the chance to repair and you will be able to breathe easier. There are lots of other benefits too – and they start almost immediately.
It's never too late to quit, and the NHS Quit Smoking app can support you on your journey!
Download from the App Store or Google Play Store today.
To find out more click here.

Your Health Notts
Want to quit smoking? Your Health Notts offer smoking cessation services tailored to meet your needs.
Their personalised support for all clients (from 12+) has resulted in their services being in the top 10 in the country, with high quit rates.
Find out more here.

NHS Quit Plan
Quitting smoking is easier with the right support.
Give up for 28 days, and you're 5 times more likely to quit for good – get your free NHS plan now by clicking here!

Ways to Quit Smoking
Many people try to quit smoking with willpower alone, but it's much easier to go smoke-free with the right help.
There are lots of support options available, try a combination that works for you.
See here for more information.